Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Blog

      Yo!Its me!Anime Fan!OHAIYO!!Thank you for the viewers for reading my boring stories...ARIGATOU MINNASAN!!!Hahaha...kinda childish doing this stuff...And i got a complaint from my friend from school that she said I like to fool around too much in my blog...Well that is true y'know...Today I'm going to write please enjoy...XDDD

     As you can see...ALL I wrote in this blog is about hatred and the feeling pain and also sadness...All I ever tell you guys is about those things and a wee bit of funny things right?Sooo...what?This is how I supress my feelings ...I think I've hurt someone's heart...If I really...really...REALLY..made you REALLY sad...I want to apologize...Gomen hehe...Sorry!I'm very very SORRY!!!

     That's all for today folks...I hope you enjoy but I think you might not cause this is the most BORING blog I've ever written...Hahahah...This is Anime Fan saying No More Sorrows!!!Untill next time XDD...I"M REALLY SORRY!!! );

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kelas Aku first time aq nak tulis pasal cita aq ni dalam bahasa melayu...Haa...Korang semo jangan terkejut pasal aqni orang melayu(Islam)Pure macam orang ASLI...hahahAq rase aq takreti wat lawak dalam bahasa melayu lorh...Bm au pon teruk...XD...Aq tulis blog kali ni dalam BM pasal kawan aku tu cakap aku speaking...jadi aku tengah wat dalam BM la skang ni...aku ni pantang dicabar tau...Hahaha...Ni bukan sebab yang sebenar aku tulisblogni...sebabnyeadelah...pasal kelas aku...

   Aku rasa...kelas aku len daripada yang len...tak tau napa...Nak kata pelik...Terlebih pelik...nak kata sporting...Terlebih sporting...aish..masalah masalah...yang paling teruk adelah AKU...Pasal aku ni langsung tak bertanggungjawab...kesian kengkawan aku...pasal aku depa kena...tapi pasal kebersihan tu depapunya pasallah...Aq setiap kali bertugas..Hahah....Aku tak tau la ape jadi ngan aku ni...dulu aku tak terok sangat..skang ni macam gangster pon ade...haizzzz.....Aku tak tau nak cita pasal ape so ini ja yang aku leh sampaikan...penat tangan aku menulis.....

                           Saya Anime Fan dan saya harap awak Enjoy blog versi melayu saya...Dan rerakan...No More Sorrows!!!Bye ^^

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ghost story

     Yo!Its me again Anime Fan...Of course its me coz this is my blog XD...I've been cheerful this lately aren't I?Coz...I've been eating good food late....I think...Just forget about that..hehe...The reason I'm writing this blog coz....I forgot...Hahaha...Sorry..I'm such a clutz...They should invent a "Forget me not"potion..hahaha...AH!Now I remember...I wanted to tell you a Ghost Story!Don't wet your pants...cause I'm gonna tell you it now...Right now!Now!15 minutes later....NOW!!!What the hell!I don't know what write!!(Viewer:When?==)Hahahah...I'm sorry...AH!Now I remember!!!The title of this Ghost Story is...Wait!Before that!Should i tell a Malaysian Ghost Story or what???I guess I'll take Malaysia's coz it's where I live right?(Viewer:When are you going to tell it?!?!?*angry)The title of the Ghost Story is...."A standing behind the old office"Hearing that title already made me have goosebumps!Viewer...If you wet your pants please wear diaper or a spair...or more...(Viewer:*Dash to room*Already got my spair pants!!!)This story was real..*maybe*This was mention by a boy named Mathy I think...

     It was 1986...Mathy was still 12 years old...he lives with his father which is converted to an office...but it was not their house...It was his father's boss'...As I was saying...He lived there with his family...He has a sister...and a mother...Their house don't have any water supply(I feel sorry for them TT^TT)They have to get water at the water which is 800m away!Imagine that!He'll be really skinny right now...or dead.....Back to the story!hehe...They have to bring a bucket to the factory back and forth...Then they thought of a solution to this problem...they used a rubber hose and attach it to the pipe behind the factory...It was really brilliant!!One day...Mathy's mom went to the factory....They were hoping that they would get more water but they didn't...his mom was awfully quiet that time...or should I say..She didn't talk at all that day...The next day she was back to normal...Healed in only 1 DAY!!!What an amazing mom!!!When Mathy's mom was using the hose...the water ran out...

     Mathy's mom asked Mathy and his sister to go investigate...It was 800m away so they used their bike coz...their lazy...Kids...Wait!I'm a kid too!!!As I was saying...They went there with their bikes and they saw an Indian lady...she was young and beautiful...but it was impossible coz they were the only Indian family(Mathy's)They left their bike and ran back home...they reported to their mom...their mom was speechless coz their mom went through the same thing...It was when their mom went to the factory by herself...She heard a guy calling..."Ma....Ma....Maaaa!!.."(mom)It was really they decided to move...and the bad news is...there was someone who rented their apartment...
                              That's all for today folk this story is made by yous and truly Anime Fan...Did you wet your pants?Just joking XD...(Viewer:How did you know?!?!)And people don't forget...NO MORE SORROWS!!!!Peace out!                                                            

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The lies we lived with

  Heh....I don't even know why I created this blog...Funny isn't it?It's either because I don't have a diary or to save money...besides..If I write in a diary,it'll be messy and also..people wouldn't read it Right?Hahahaha.....Got carried away...didn't I?The reason I'm writing this?Actually forgot what i wanted to write...Hahahah...Now i remember...I only wanted to express my feelings as usual...but not the happy this blog i'm laughing a lot...what's wrong with me?!?!Cut at the chase...Liars...why do they exist in this world?I hate them....I hate liars cause they lie for bad things!They should just die!Heh...even some of my classmates are liars...ARGH!!!How i hate them!!!This is how the story goes...

     12 May 2011-I got a present from a classmate of mine and it was cash...RM 3.00 to be exact...I was really happy even if it was after my birthday...I didn't really care if I got 10 cents...I really appreciate hat people give me with sincere...I was really Really happy back then... .Then that smile turned into a frown...A really deep frown...When you may ask?It was exactly on that day...She*the person who gave me the present*asked me permission to go to the toilet...cause she really needs to go!and I was the I let her go and she went there...with her friend that is...and I didn't gave permission for that but,I just"buat dunno"if in malay if in english...I'll let it be...What to do?They already went there...then,the teacher came into the clasroom...It was my   Malay subject teacher...I started to worry about those two...I asked permission to go to the toilet then I heard someone speaking about me...speaking BAD about me...I didn't hear the rest of them...I just ran towards them with calmness...I really had to go to the bathroom that time...and WHO you may ask?It was those two...yes...THOSE TWO!!!!!!!

     My heart was really broken that time...*jiwang lak dah XD* As i was heart was like being stabbed...or my heart jest fell down and broke into pieces...yea that was how I feel back then...You know how it's gonna feel if you have run through it...Now I'm still thinking if I want to return this RM 3.00 or not...

                       That was my story from Anime Fan and please people...NO MORE SORROWS!!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

The day i got really mad..

    16/5/2011....Teacher's day....on a Monday....arrived at school as usual that is 7:15 a.m.Goes to the morning usual it was so BORING.Teachers taling infront and students talking at the back.....and a teacher who tells boring stories at the front.....@~@........Who would ever want to hear a boring story =,=.......8:02 a.m....Assembly finished and went to class......I opened the lock to enter the class and entered the class....As usual my face was as gloomy as ever.....I hate morning...but i don't hate breakfast......As the monitor i've to keep the class quiet's my duty ofcourse!!I HATE being the troublesome =,=....Then it was time to learn..

      The first class was Science...the MOST BORING class EVER!!!!!!!!Got the grade for my midyear exam don't want to know my grades....Trust me............The classroom was a mess....the teacher kept on talking like a woodpecker!!I was so sleepy i almost slept...He kept talking on and on until he forgot what he wanted to say........what a dunce.........Then favourite subjects of all my grades and i'm to tired say what it is...HAHA......Cut to the chase....the reason i'm writing this thing is to express my feelings?I don't know...I just want to say bad things to the person i really hate like accusers...

     I think it was History.....I saw to girls fighting in my classroom....before i saw them i asked 2 pupils to find our History teacher......As i was saying...i saw 2 girls fighting...i couldn't let it be like that right?I tried to stopped them..then,they pushed me...i was so MAD!!!Felt like i wanted to kill them...but i kept calm and put a calm yet disturbed expression on my face...finally i got them to stop...and i circle around my class and ask them to keep quiet....until one pupil came standing infront of me and said..."YOU KEPT SHHHIng PEOPLE BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU???YOU KEPT PLAYING AROUND!!!!"That was she said about me and she's a PRS......Pfft...what a pathetic girl.....i hate her and even her guts!And i said to her,"Me!?Playing?!Are you blind or what?!I WAS TRYING TO STOP A FIGHT Y'KNOW!!!A FIGHT!!!!!!!And you call yourself a PRS!Why don't you help me then!!You're also the one talking right?!?!You are not worth to be called a PRS if your attitude is like this!!No wonder your best friend didn't want to be friends with you anymore coz you're a SPOIL BRAT!!Y'heard me!!!A SPOIL BRAT!!!

       Then she kept least i got to let go my anger on her...well that's my story...Thanks
and Aida i know how you feel about that SPOIL BRAT!!!To hell with her!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Go to HELL!!!

By the first time you taught me...i was really impressed..and i started to admire you...we all liked you because you are the best....when i didn't do my homework accused me for being lazy!!!I didn't do it coz i got a lot of work to do!!Blame the history teacher!!!!She/he gave a lot of work to us!!!When you check my work and i said "I'm sorry teacher....I didn't do my homework..."
Then you said heartlessly"I already know that you're like this...every time I check your homework,you always didn't do it" TO HELL WITH THAT!!!!you really made me mad!!And i was starting to adore you!!I wish I wasn't in your class...we both would be happy...The reason i write this.......thing is to say BAD THINGS to shorten this story is.....I HATE YOU ACCUSING ME FOR WHAT I HAVE NOT DONE!!YOU HAVE NO RITE TO BE CALLED A TEACHER!!!!
                                                                     GO TO HELL!!!